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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year - 2012

Happy New Year everyone!  I wish everyone a healthy, happy and prosperous 2012!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Genealogy Tip Of The Day

When tracing your family tree be sure to check family bibles.  While dates may not always be exact; family bibles are an excellent research resource for family history. 

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Password Protection - Tip #3

How many of us are guilty of creating a password for our computer or online accounts with a password that a monkey could guess?  I know I have been guilty of it in the past.  How many of us never change our password?  Again, I was one of the biggest culprits of this password protection sin in the past.  Do you write down you passwords and leave it close by in case you forget it?  Here are a few tips that will help keep your private personal information safe:

* Memorize your password

* Do not share your password

* If you write your password down, keep it in a safe place - like maybe a locked safe

* Change your password occasionally

* Create STRONG password - use upper case letters, lower case letters and
    number or symbol combinations

Lets hear your thoughts or horror stories on this topics.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Social Networking Sites - Tip #2

Identity Theft and Awareness - Tip #2

While social networking sites are great for keeping in connect with friends and family; they provide identity thieves an excellent opportunity to obtain your personal information.  Make sure you check your profile settings and allow only family and friends that you trust access to your personal information.  Do not leave it open to the general public.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Identity Theft Prevention and Awareness - Tip #1

Hey everyone.  As of today, I will start providing identity theft prevention and awareness tips on a regular basis.  If you come across some great information in regards to identity theft please be sure to share on this blog!

Identity Theft Prevention and Awareness - Tip #1
Always be sure to log out of any accounts that you may have open prior to leaving your computer.

Monday, December 26, 2011

The Importance of Identity Theft Awareness & Prevention

As a former Military Police Officer, Counterintelligence Special Agent and Internal Investigator, I am keenly aware of the threat of identity theft.  Our personal information is floating  in cyberspace, thrown away as junk mail, and handed to cashiers on a regular basis.  A few precautions you can take to avoid being a victim of identity theft are shred junk mail, only utilize trusted sites on the internet when providing personal information and only reply to emails from people/businesses you know.  These painless steps can greatly reduce your expose to identity theft.

Welcome to the launch of my newest blog

Just a quick thank you for checking out my newest blog.  As you will notice, this blog focuses on the topic of fact finding/people locating.  You will find the most up to date information and resources in regards to genealogy, background checks, criminal checks, identity theft/prevention, employment checks/verifications, etc.  If you find what you feel is better or more up to date information or resources, please post that information to this blog.